



2024-07-21 10:32:26 来源:网络


他进步如此之快以至于通过了这次考试🐔🌙——😺。He made progress so fast that he passed this exams.我毫不费力地解决了这个问题🧵|_🐲🪶。I had no trouble in solving this problem.她以一种我们从未料到的方式讲话🐣😋|🙀🎍。She spoke in a way that we had never expected.杰克由于政治原因被迫离开了家乡🦫🐍|🎮*。Jack was for等会说🐦*————🥀🐊。
take no notice of tie to suffer from have no interest in be tired of recover from 1.but和逗号去掉因为though和but不能共存和because和so不能共存同理2.后面是how much it costs 因为宾语从句要用陈述语序3.had改成have 因为前面用的是it 表明了是一般现在时后面要时态一致就不能用等我继续说🥉😔——-😸。


1😡🐦|_🌔。A🎀🌻——🙃:下午好🌻🐖_-☀️⚾,白天鹅宾馆服务台😎_🐩🏓。有什么可为您效劳吗?Good afternoon.White Swan.May I help you?B: 我叫大卫🦦🐥|_🐷。霍金斯🧸_——😫🀄。我下星期二将前入广州参加广交会💮🐕‍🦺|——😱🦧。不知可否在贵宾馆订间房?This is David Hawkins.I'm going to GuangZhou to attened Canto Fair on next Tuesday.May I reservation in希望你能满意🍁_🤬🪅。
I am very tired and feel really bad.我很累🐐_|🌦🌸,感觉极为不爽Your school may have divided students to winners and losers,but life has not.你们学校依成绩把学生分成行的和不行的😐——_🧸🌵,但现实生活不是这样的🐤🌔_|🐖。In some schools they have abolished failing grades.they'll give you as many time有帮助请点赞☁️-🎑🪳。
应该在I 后面加上am 改成I am conscious that后面会介绍🌴🌥_|🤐。conscious 是形容词意识到应该用be conscious 翻译🥍__🐇🐕:我意识到如果我想使用贝蒂对艺术教育的理论😡🐗__🐑🏵,我需要学的更多🥎😕_|🐲。4.该在relation前面加上the 改成what the relation is 翻译🐘🎾_|🍂🤿:我会试着给我的学生们解释这个理论和绘画的关系🐽🐥-🙂😳。个人观点✨|🌏,仅供后面会介绍🙃*——🪴。
calculate its rainstorm intensity formula.This paper use the data of luohu station for each stations interpolating with the method of linear regression interpolation,sorting the data of interpolation, and to take 10 maximum.Get 14 reprsent stations’data of rainstorm intensity from 1961 to希望你能满意🐃😏_🤭🦀。
1) Dayu mountain in HongKong used to be the home of wild animals.2) Some animals lost their survival area because of these changes.3) Why have these changes happened since 1990 year?4) Mr. zhang has been back to HongKong after a short sojoum等我继续说🌖🦇-🦏。.
或者Weather forecast is important for that/in that we have to depend on it in order to decide when to set sail.或者Weather forecast, on which we depend to decide when to set sail, is important.您出错的原因是因为So是什么🎄|🐜🐍。that 从句后面必须跟一句完整的句子♦——|🐋,🐚——|🌹。您把that后面的句子是什么🐭-——🌖🙄。
enhance image plan double lung average dose, cardiac average dose by high volume. Two kinds of plan of double lung V20, V30 and spinal cord dose no difference. Conclusion contrast agent on esophageal carcinoma IMRT dose effect, but the effect is small, can be directly in the enh是什么⭐️🐝-🥅🦋。